Monday, 29 September 2008

Sleeping Kittens

When I came down stairs this morning I walking into the living room and found my youngest daughter curled up with Kevin the kitten on the sofa, both fast asleep. After oohing and arghing , I grabbed my camera to photograph the cute duo. There is something warming and comforting seeing my children lying in the fetal position, it also reminds me of when they were babies and I would cuddle them as they slept in the same position.

So after such a lovely sight first thing this morning, youngest daughter and kitty had to be today's subject for a painting.


Chichiboulie said...

I love the feeling of this painting. so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! :) Just precious! Blessings, stephanie

Kim Caro said...

how about this is the dang darndest cute painting ever?! it is so precious. it really is :)

SillyLittleLady said...

That is so cute! I can't imagine my dog or the housemates' cat lying so still while we clutched them to us while sleeping :)

Scott Bulger Photography said...

hat;s the kind of scene that will cause me to just sit and watch one of my children sleep for an eternity.

Nicely translated to the canvas. It has a great feel to it.

Bruno and Betty said...

Great painting, so sweet!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

So sweet . . .


Kylie Bowers said...

Oh wow beautiful!

MoppetsClosets said...

How beautiful! I am envious. I forget to even break out the camera for those moments.

I just tagged your blog in round 5 of the Etsy bloggers street team tag game. Stop by my blog for the details if you want to play.

xo Christi

Impossible Alice said...

Oh, that is just too cute <3

LazyTcrochet said...

This is lovely! I saw the painting, but it is fun to see the photo as well.

Rock and Fossil Depot said...

These are lovely paintings, you captured both your daugther and kitten perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Aren't they sweet, in the cloud of angel curls? And the fact that the kitten's name is Kevin--too cute!

TheresaJ said...

A precious sight -- and you caputured it beautifully, both on camera and with paint. Well done!

Love the "butterfly" painting below too. :)

needle and nest said...

Your paintings are so sweet. They give the viewer warm fuzzies! I tagged you... check out my blog for more details ( :D

DECA Candle and Bath said...

wow that is so beautiful and great work...

My Inspired Reality said...

Beautiful painting - it speaks to me:)

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Adorable!!! Love the pic, love your painting!
Smiles, Karen

Bobbi said...

Lovely art!

asfjh said...

aww that's well cute:) you made me miss my cats!!